Opiskeluvalmentaja - Lääkiskurssit 24/25
Työpaikkailmoitus on suljettu
Joko tehtävä on täytetty tai hakuaika on umpeutunut.
Main characteristics of benefits working with us
Employment health benefit
We offer the best occupational health care on the market and extensive accident insurance, which is also valid during free time.
Sport and culture benefit
Fulltime employees are entitled to 400€/year annual sport and culture benefit
Work environment
Everyone is treated as an individual, but the whole community is committed for our common goals.
Mafy Culture
Our values are:
- Continous improvement
Every member of our workforce is commited to develop him or herself and the company - Justice
By revolutioning teaching and learning worldwide we believe that the world will be a better place to live and mor just to everyone.
MAFY Oy yrityksenä
Mafy Oy on perinteikäs mutta aikaansa seuraava digitaalisen oppimisen ja opettamisen yhtiö, jossa työskentelee alansa ehdottomia kärkiosaajia. Visiomme on mullistaa opetus ja oppiminen koko maailmassa.
Työskenteletkö jo yrityksessä MAFY Oy?
Osallistu rekrytointiin, löydä seuraava kollegasi.